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God Walks With the Brokenhearted 

This time of year is riddled with dates that remind me of my brokenheartedness. Between the beginning of February and the beginning of...

Make Me a Prophet

The mountain village of Ein Karem, southwest of Jerusalem, is the location of two churches in the Holy Land: The Church of the Visitation...

Wait and Seek

Today's Readings We are so close to Advent we can practically smell it. Our readings today make that very clear. Even though we are still...

Diversity in the Ordinary

Today's Readings Here we are amid the fall, closing in on the cusp of the great Advent season with many of us perhaps enrolled in...

Not only...but also

It was my eighth-grade graduation, and I was standing alone in front of an audience. My small school had a tradition where each student...

Be a Lifelong Learner

Today's Readings One of the greatest gifts of being a lover of books and good words, is the constant invitation to learn and grow. Books...

Imperfect Attempts

Today's Readings "The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed with three measures of wheat flour until the whole...

In Collaboration with Creation

Today's Readings The seed that falls in the fertile field, Under joy and showers, good fruit it will yield. The Word goes forth from the...

When Singing of God’s Kindness is Hard

Today's Readings A few years ago I would have rolled my eyes at a Psalm like today’s. Wading through deep bouts of chronic depression and...

The “both/and” of the Eucharist

Today's Readings I have been a part of a variety of different Catholic communities in my lifetime, and each of them has placed a slightly...

The Unpredictability of God

Today's Readings When I was a little girl, I loved watching the crackle and color of a fire. Our family could have been around a campfire...

The Cornerstones

Today's Readings Today is the fifth Sunday of Easter and the readings offer us a glimpse into the early days of the Church. The people...

Here I am, I (sorta) come to do Your will

Today's Readings I don’t know about you friend, but I find waiting to be such a difficult task sometimes. And yet, waiting is one of the...

The Particular Mystery of Epiphany

Today's Readings I used to sit under the stars at night with my dad. Growing up, there was a beautiful expanse of sky that opened to us...

Waiting in the Dark

Today's Readings I can safely say patience is not my strength. Just yesterday morning, I had one of those blow up moments as a parent...

Everything Comes from Above

Today's Readings Today of all days is my absolute favorite day of the entire year because it was on this day 31 years ago that my baby...

Honesty for the Poor

Today's Readings Throughout high school and college, my friends and I often repeated movie quotes to each other. As I read through...

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