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Wisdom's Reflections: HTML Embed

A Lamp Shining in a Dark Place

I have recently learned that “rumination” is a clinical term; I have long used the word as a synonym for “contemplate,” for example...

The Stuff of Life

Today's Readings As a non-Catholic Christian who frequently attends Mass, I am often fascinated by the chosen pairing of the Scriptures....

The Golden Rule

Today's Reading Treat others the way you want to be treated. These words, a common refrain from parents and teachers of young children,...

Living the Wedding Vows

Today’s readings feel heavy. During this time of international strife and chaos, Jesus presents us with two hard teachings. Many people,...

Still...You Carry Us

My God, My God, how majestic is your name in all the earth! I will glory in the Lord all my earthly days; Let the praise of God’s name be...

The Relationships that Sustain

O Lord, to you I give endless praise, my heart gives thanks, lips blessings. You rest beyond the dome of the sky, You breathe life in...

Give Light to Every Sorrow

Oh Lord Who created the heavens and the earth and all they contain Whose hand crafted every fiber of every being Who sees and knows every...

What happened to the lilies

What happened to the lilies outside the Tomb When Easter morning was over? After witnessing the Resurrection, Did they simply fade away?...

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