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A weekly email with all the highlights


Get a Sunday email with all the highlights, this week's weekend reflection, and even a few extras.

Wisdom's Reflections: HTML Embed

A Time to Recommit

Today's Readings Today's scripture returns us to the first covenant and Jessica offers it as an opportunity to recommit to our own.

Enrich Me, Oh God

Today's Readings Jessica invites us to keep nourishing and enriching the gifts that God has given us.

God Hears

Today's Readings Jessica reminds us today that God hears us, always.

To Act Boldly

Today's Readings Today, Paul's writing to the Corinthians reminds us to be confident in what we are given from God and to act boldly.

Mother Mary

Today's Readings Jessica invites us to remember Mary as our intercessor.

Living in the Ordinary

Today's Readings With one week left until Lent begins, Jessica reminds us to live in the ordinary moments.

The Breath of God

Today's Readings This week, Jessica invites us to consider how each of us has God's breath within us.

Keeping Up with God

Today's Readings Jessica reflects on the need for intentional discipline in our relationship with God.

Extra-Ordinary Time

Ironically, it feels that it is almost always in my most ordinary moments, that I find the most extraordinary things. I want to take deep...

Doubt and Faith

Today's Readings Jessica reflects on our invitation to be imperfect but faithful believers.

A Tenth of Everything

Today's Readings Jessica asks us to reflect on how much we are giving to Jesus.

Be with Me

Today's Readings This week, Jessica reflects on Jesus' sharing in our humanity.

More on Gratitude

Today's Readings Continuing to reflect on gratitude, Jessica reminds us to praise God in our small moments as well as our big moments.

Living Gratitude

Today's Readings This week, Jessica reminds us of the importance of prayers of gratitude to God, especially followed by actions of...

My Abundant Blessings

Today's Readings This week, Jessica reflects on the importance of water in our lives and all of its abundant blessings.

All Souls Day

Today's Readings This week, Jessica reflects on today's Wisdom reading in light of All Souls Day.

On Being Loving (to ourselves too)

Today's Readings This week, Jessica reflects on this Letter's mandate as to how we are to treat each other, and ourselves.

Sacrifices in Vocation

Today's Readings Reflecting on Paul's Letter to the Ephesians and the Martyrdom of Sts. John and Isaac, Jessica asks God to strengthen us...

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