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Wisdom's Reflections: HTML Embed

Praise God - On Laudate Deum

The Pope is probably the furthest from the periphery you could get when considering voices in the Church. However, yesterday Pope Francis...

Caught in the Web

I have a MA in Systematic Theology. There was a moment early on where a reality of theology hit me. My professor was walking through the...

In the Beginning was the Conversation

Today's Readings As a high school theology teacher, I often find myself in the midst of unexpected conversations. I will have my plans...

Drawn by Love to Love

Looking back on my earliest school years, I recall well a few bouts of serious separation anxiety. Despite my love of learning and my...

Why I Am a (c)atholic

...I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church... I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. It may seem odd, but I...

Rolling Down the Hill

During Holy Week 2021, I participated from a distance in my parish’s annual Stations of the Cross service. Afterwards, I found myself...

I Am a Church

Today's Readings What is your favorite church? What type of beautiful sanctuary lifts your soul to the beauty of God? What physical space...

Building the New Church

Today's Readings This week, Jessica reflects on our opportunity to be a part of growth and change in the Church.

Be Ready

Today's Readings We may be in the dog days of summer, but my mind is already on Advent when pursuing today’s readings. When I taught...

Of Magdala: Apostle to the Apostles

I have a confession to make. I’m not proud of it, but I can’t help myself. As a feminist Catholic and theater connoisseur, I know it’s...

The Imperfect Church

Today's Readings Jessica reflects on the beginnings of the Church and encourages us to look ahead as we continue to grow the Church.

Women, Earth, and Creator Spirit

Today's Readings Today we celebrate Pentecost, when the breath of the Spirit flowed through Jesus’ friends and empowered them to bring...

Jesus Who Sees Me

Today's Readings One of the greatest joys of my life has been ministering with God’s people. From Philadelphia and D.C. to Houston and...

The Golden Rule

Today's Reading Treat others the way you want to be treated. These words, a common refrain from parents and teachers of young children,...

Thank you, Sister Monica

After teaching in Catholic schools for ten years, I have quite a few stories to share. One story that stands out, however, does not...

Remember Your Roots

A blog for women seems an unlikely place to find a reflection for St. Andrew. One of the fishermen called by Jesus to be fishers of men...

Why Are We Here?

Last week I took a vacation from work. I spent it immersed in reviewing years of study and sequestered in a lovely room in my school’s...

Wisdom and Faith

Today's Readings Today’s first reading begins with a wish familiar to many of us: pray to receive cautious guidance, plead and receive...

Living the Wedding Vows

Today’s readings feel heavy. During this time of international strife and chaos, Jesus presents us with two hard teachings. Many people,...

A Church that Loves

Today’s Readings “I’m useless.” “My mental illness makes me a burden.” “Until I’m healed, I don’t have anything to offer those around...

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