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The “both/and” of the Eucharist

Today's Readings I have been a part of a variety of different Catholic communities in my lifetime, and each of them has placed a slightly...

Love Spilled Out

Today's Readings Today, on the 6th Sunday of Easter, is one of my favorite Gospel readings by John. It is all about loving God, loving...

The Holy Spirit Moves

…who proceeds from the Father and the Son… Our powerful Holy Spirit moves throughout the world giving people the ability to pray, filling...

A Spiritual Breath

What does it mean to take a spiritual breath? To breathe in the Divine God, To whisper Their name into the noise of our lives? To make...

Up There & Down Here

…He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father… Reflecting on this after Christmas, I have a very simple...

The Particular Mystery of Epiphany

Today's Readings I used to sit under the stars at night with my dad. Growing up, there was a beautiful expanse of sky that opened to us...

Keeping Christ

…and rose again on the third day… On the day that is just about perfectly in the middle of Advent, it seems odd to be reflecting on what...

Where We Stand

“For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried.” When we profess in the Creed that our Lord,...

God Moved Into the Neighborhood

..."He came down from heaven and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man"... When I think of verse 11 of the...

Christ the King

Today's Readings Some Protestants may “vet” the local branch of their church before joining. They go to some services, check out the...

We Too

…born of the Father before all ages… In theology there is a distinction between low Christology and high Christology. For the average...

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