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Writer's pictureJessica Grima Jewett

Our Faith Unbinding

As we draw near to the end of Lent, my hope and prayer is that you have felt the peaceful loving arms of Jesus over these last weeks, and find yourself in much happier spirits than most of us were in this time last year. Today the Gospel shadows the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus with Lazarus' story. Like in the story of the man born blind, Lazarus’ death is used by Jesus to reveal the glory of God, and Jesus’ words and deeds give sight to those who believe. In a way Lazarus represents all humanity. He stands for all those who Jesus loves and wants to liberate from the bonds of sin and death. These two accounts are just a glimpse into the life that Jesus promises us filled with light and life. Jesus invites us to see ourselves in these promises so that we can see God’s compassion at work in our own lives, so that if we believe as Martha does in today’s Gospel, that Jesus is the resurrection and the life, even when we die, we will live.

Having faith is the most important key ingredient to have in our life. With faith all things are possible, and with faith everything else falls into place. Believing in the unknown and unseen is one of the most terrifying things we as human beings have to do, because believing in something that we can’t physically see, touch, smell, or talk to doesn’t add up to what our human instincts tell us especially when we feel like everything in our world is crashing down on top of us.

But as we move into the final weeks of Lent, may our reflections remind us that Lazarus’ story isn’t just a story but a reminder of our own experiences of coming to life out of death, in all the moments of our lives.

May the God of life continue to unbind us from anything that is dead in us and our faith will arise us into a life that is filled with freedom and joy.

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