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Gathering the Remnant

Writer's picture: Sue DelvauxSue Delvaux

I wonder if today’s reading from the Prophet Jeremiah was applied to today’s Church how we would fare.  I don’t think we would do very well at all.  The flock is scattered.  So many appear to feel so misled for so many reasons that our pews are rather empty that more parishes are closing or being restructured or combining or being sold.  More than we may ever imagined.

And yet aren’t we the only place where we can receive the Body and Blood of Christ?  Some are baffled by what happens at the altar in their Church.  What is transubstantiation?  Many truly do not know.  

One priest was ordained this year in my Diocese.  Not nearly adequate to keep up with attrition.  Who will shepherd those that do remain?  Who will continue to inspire those to evangelize and participate as missionary disciples?  

I think the answer is you.  And me.  My family and yours.  The laity must become by choice more empowered and realize it.  For as Mark’s Gospel says, we are like sheep without a shepherd – or at least without strong, focused leadership in some of our parishes.  

I was at a workshop at my Diocese center recently, and heard a speaker who was representing a parish that was run with a Pastoral Leadership Team that was extraordinarily effective.  She was interviewed for her role.  Her credentials and background, not arm twisted or begged to fill a chair, but carefully vetted.  The Parish Leadership Team worked at her Parish with the Pastor and staff and then they had taken over many Administrative responsibilities of the Parish.  Listening to how this large, well-managed Parish worked and thrived was like getting hit with a gust of fresh air.  There is amazing talent sitting in our pews!

Seeing how one Parish overcame the “old ways” and moved forward was incredibly encouraging.  There are other ways.  There is simply no time to waste.  We are running out of priests.  We are running out of parishioners.  We as laity have a responsibility, a mission if you will, to seize this opportunity, and in the spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ welcome all who come, vet them thoroughly and then use their gifts and talents - which they will have in more ways than we imagine or I can list here!– and we can begin to gather the remnant of the flock and renew and resurge.

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