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Wisdom's Reflections: HTML Embed

God of Possibilities

Today’s reading from Isaiah paints a remarkable, beautiful composite of images: Then will the eyes of the blind be opened, the ears of...

A Lamp Shining in a Dark Place

I have recently learned that “rumination” is a clinical term; I have long used the word as a synonym for “contemplate,” for example...

Gathering the Remnant

I wonder if today’s reading from the Prophet Jeremiah was applied to today’s Church how we would fare.  I don’t think we would do very...

Complacency, Complicity, and the Call

Prophets feel like something set solidly in the past. They have their time period – just like horse drawn carriages or gladiators or oil...

Advocacy: Nehemiah’s bravery for his people

Today's Readings This passage is about Nehemiah’s appeal to the Persian king for the sake of Israel’s restoration. Nehemiah advocates for...

Where Are The Women Leaders?

Where are the women leaders? I know I’m far from the first to wonder that as I read through the Bible (or take even a brief glimpse at...

Most Blessed Warrior, Jael

It is my greatest pleasure to introduce you to Jael, a warrior woman who killed a man with a tent peg. But first, because context is...

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