The Support and Challenge of Friends
Today we celebrate three of Jesus’s closest friends: Lazarus, who is described as “the one you love” (John 11:3); Mary, who performs the...
A weekly email with all the highlights
Get a Sunday email with all the highlights, this week's weekend reflection, and even a few extras.
The Support and Challenge of Friends
Like a Pomegranate
Some Mercy Now
Love Forever Being Born
Never the Same Again
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Realizations of Divinity and Imperfection
On Motherhood: Neither Catholic nor Secular
When We Need Our Mamas (And They're Not There)
You Are My Shero
Do You Love Me?
Part 2 - Wounded, Scarred, and Radiant
Part 1- I Didn’t Hear a Cry: PTSD, Birth Trauma, and the Road of Healing
Mothering our Corner of the World
Bringing Christ into the World