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Wisdom's Reflections: HTML Embed

Trouble and Glory

Today’s Gospel is particularly difficult to read and reflect on; Jesus predicts his own death, says that those who wish to serve him must...

The Challenge of the Spirit

Reading Mark’s Gospel often feels like running a sprint, because it is so action-packed and fast paced. Today's Gospel reading comes...

Defying Social Scripts

A friend and I have been trying to get together for over a month, but every week one of our toddlers is sick. And in our post-COVID world...

Abundance, Not Scarcity

Today's Readings When reading today’s Gospel, I was sincerely challenged on a response to the parable of the Workers in the Vineyard. All...

Taking a Leap to See Jesus

Today's Readings Today’s gospel sets the scene of the disciples at sea braving a harsh night. Imagine huge waves crashing into your boat...

Taking Time on the Mountaintop

Today's Readings Today’s gospel, the Transfiguration, transports me back in time to the hollers and hills of West Virginia…to Nazareth...

In Collaboration with Creation

Today's Readings The seed that falls in the fertile field, Under joy and showers, good fruit it will yield. The Word goes forth from the...

The Gentle Mastery of Christ

Today's Readings Gentleness. Isn’t it true that we all long to be treated gently? Isn’t gentleness what we’re searching for when we rush...

Like a Shepherd

Today's Readings Jesus is the Good Shepherd - this idea for Christ is warm, welcoming, and unwavering. Jesus as the Good Shepherd...

The Cornerstones

Today's Readings Today is the fifth Sunday of Easter and the readings offer us a glimpse into the early days of the Church. The people...

The Threshold

Today's Readings Today’s readings seem to be so clearly following a theme and pattern. Especially when considering the Psalm (“The Lord...

Discovering our Burning Hearts

Today's Readings In high school, I attended a program sponsored by the local Catholic diocese called Young Christians at Work. The...

Jesus Wept for He Knew Friendship

Today's Readings The story of Lazarus is a long one. In terms of Gospels, it is an in-depth examination of personal relationships, an...

Encountering Jesus in the Desert

Today's Readings Today is the first Sunday of Lent. Living in the Midwest, I appreciate how the Lenten season corresponds with the end of...

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