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We Do Believe

Writer's picture: Sue DelvauxSue Delvaux

Here we are just a few days after Easter, Christ’s Resurrection from the dead, and we observe the Sunday of Divine Mercy. When the Church focuses on the gift of mercy and love given through Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. In its infinite wisdom, our second reading at Mass is virtually a blessing more than a reading per se, and then just as we sit with this mind set of mercy and love in our heads, we hear about Thomas.

As a lay person in our Church, it is a wonderful set of readings this weekend! Be sure to sit down and read through 1Peter: 3-9 when you have a moment of calm - - - or better yet when you need a moment to calm. To be reminded by Saint Peter that our Lord Jesus Christ has given us a new birth through his resurrection. A birth to salvation!

And yet I’m sure I’m not the only one who has had their share of “Thomas moments”. How can I be blessed, sinner that I am, with the gift of forgiveness and eternal life? How is resurrection even possible? And yet in today’s Gospel, John 20: 19-31 it is clear that we simply . . . must believe.

I am now in my 70’s and realize my time on this earth is no longer abundant. I can truly say that I do not fear death. I was at a workshop recently when the presenter was talking about church music of all things, and expressed the essence of my faith so succinctly by talking about the congregation singing our beautiful “Holy, Holy, Holy” during the Mass. Someday just as she described, I hope to hear the choirs of angels and Saints singing that in splendor. I won’t merit their company, but I believe they will be endlessly praising God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

May Peace be with all of us - - - because even though we may have not have seen or heard, we do believe.

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