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The Women of Our Scriptures

Writer's picture: Jessica CurbisJessica Curbis

There is a lot to celebrate in the month of March - The Feast of the Annunciation, St. Patrick’s Day, St. Joseph’s Day, the beginning of Spring. It is also the month that we celebrate women - with International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month. As a space for the lifting up of women’s voices, we at Wisdom’s Dwelling will do so in a special way, by sharing the stories of women in the scriptures.

The Bible contains the stories of our faith - the creation of the world, the birth of a savior and everything in between and beyond. These stories are incredibly valuable today because of their spiritual truths - what we can learn from the stories to apply to our lives. We continue to read these stories because they can help us to grow in our relationship with God.

There are very few women in the Bible, even some of them unnamed. We know the patriarchal society in which the scriptures were written (and still remain in today) so honestly, the presence of these stories is nothing short of a miracle in itself. That should tell us something - that these women are pillars of our faith whose stories need and deserve to be read and told, just like all the stories of those on the margins. We need to shed a light on these stories so that we can get a fuller picture of our faith.

Some of these stories will be familiar to you, but will be illuminated further for you or in a new way. Some of these stories will be new and perhaps even quite shocking. I encourage you wade through these stories with your whole self - heart, soul, spirit, body - and allow these stories, these women, to speak to you. Believe me, they will.


Look for posts with the "Women in Scripture" tag throughout this month for this series.

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