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O Leader of the House of Israel

Writer's picture: Jennifer DelvauxJennifer Delvaux

O Leader of the House of Israel,

giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai:

come to rescue us with your mighty power!

God alone is our Savior. No power, office, politician, party, or ideology is yours, God, nor are they a god themselves. In a time when politicians are lifted by some to infallible, prophetic identities, we ask you, God, our sole source of salvation, source of power, and source of all love, to rescue us. May we turn to you to remember you are our anchor, you are our hope, and in you alone do we find salvation.

God, we also turn to you giving thanks for our Jewish brothers and sisters. We ask your blessing on them as they end their holy time of Hanukkah. May we never fall into the temptation of prejudice, hatred, or anti-semitism. You are the God of the House of Israel and we humbly give thanks.

  • Where are you tempted to deify a worldly power, politician, or ideology? How can you humbly offer this temptation to God? Take time to listen to God's words, God's Law, and the Spirit that shapes our hearts.

  • Anti-semitism is far too prevalent today. How can you support the Jewish community? Consider growing in sensitivity to inappropriate jokes, conversation, and prejudicial views. Speak up, speak from the faith of the God of Israel, the God we know and love.

  • Invite God to come to you, asking for the humility and power to respond to injustice and to see beyond the caricatures and facades of powerful figures.

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