Today of all days is my absolute favorite day of the entire year because it was on this day 31 years ago that my baby sister was born. A little background on our family. I was the only girl among three brothers and even though we were still young when my sister was born, I remember praying to God that the baby in my mommy’s tummy was a girl. I was in First Grade sitting in class when my teacher shouted “PRAISE GOD” and then walked up to me to let me know that my parents had my sibling this morning. It was a little girl and they named her Elizabeth Ann. I don’t think I have ever felt more joy than I did that day. I finally had my wish from Heaven. My sister was here and we were going to be the best of friends. I couldn’t wait until she could finally be in my room with me, I could play with her, and do all the things that little girls love to do with each other. She was the light of my life, and still to this day remains my favorite person in this world. Now as adults, my sister and I could not be more opposite. She is married with two children, and I am single with no children, how she lives her life, what she believes in, etc. is the total opposite of how I live and what I believe, but I still find joy and love being around her and her family. I still love her with my entire being.
My relationship with my sister makes me think of today’s Responsorial Psalm. “Our help is from the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth.” When I think about those words, I go back to this day and the joy that filled my life when I found out that my sister was born. Our help, our hope, and our joy come from the Lord. Without it we are nothing. Without Jesus, our life may only be a temporary source of happiness but it won’t last. It reminds me also of the relationship that we have with Christ. There is nothing that we can do that will make Christ not love us. He is there in our sufferings and our joyous times. He is our strength when we are weak, and He will fight our battles for us in the shadows. Our entire source comes from the one who made Heaven and Earth. How lucky are we to be benefactors of God’s love?
I pray that in this new season of life that every joy you feel, every happiness that comes your way, and anytime you feel carried in your troubles when you look to the heavens your source of everything in your life is from above.