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Many have asked us for a streamlined way to stay up to date with the posts and content from Wisdom’s Dwelling. This will be a weekly email offering you the Sunday reflection, the past week’s highlights and any other content that might be of interest. You’ll soon also see our “classified” section where you can find more from our contributors - their sites, shops, and publications.

Writer's pictureJennifer Delvaux

Advent Prayers Begin Tomorrow!

We are so excited to roll out a new section of the website tomorrow - the Prayer Corner. There you will find the Advent Prayers to help you more deeply enter into the season.

The first Sunday of Advent, November 29 and the fourth Sunday, December 20, will be recorded prayers you can watch whenever you choose.

The second and third Sundays of Advent, December 6 and 13 will be Facebook Live prayers! Mark your calendars for 9 pm Eastern/8 pm Central and head to the Facebook page to follow the page so you don't miss the live experience. We will post the recording of the live prayers to the Prayer Corner.

As we continue to build and grow, we are always looking for additional contributors. If you are interested in sharing your story, a reflection, or other ideas, please email me.

See you tomorrow for prayer!

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