O Radiant Dawn, splendor of eternal light, sun of justice: come and shine on those who dwell in darkness and in the shadow of death.

God, on this the longest night in what has been a long and difficult year, we cry out all the more for the Light of your Love, for the presence of Jesus in our lives. We lift up all those who are suffering, especially those who are ill from COVID and all who are in death’s shadow.
God we pray for all those who are struggling with mental health that often is made all the more challenging by these long dark nights. We pray for all those who feel isolated and alone, for all those in hospitals and care facilities. May each feel your presence, know your love.
On this longest night of the year, spend time in the silence it offers and listen to God. Just listen. Rest in that silence and the stillness. Know that even though God is unseen and likely unfelt, God is still with you. You are loved. The Light of God, the Dawn is coming.