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Today's Readings We are often told we need to always be prepared. Whether that is for a work meeting, a presentation we are giving for...

The pilgrimage of Advent

A couple of days before I departed for a pilgrimage to the holy land, I got around to reading the paperwork they sent. One of the pieces...

Where We Stand

“For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried.” When we profess in the Creed that our Lord,...

Renewing Hope

Today's Readings For the first Wednesday in Advent, Jessica reflects on the hope found in this reading for the first century Christians...

The Advent Pilgrimage

As we begin the Advent season, I offer a bit of poetry and a bit of a prayer. Reflecting on preparation for Christmas, I was inspired by...

Waiting in the Dark

Today's Readings I can safely say patience is not my strength. Just yesterday morning, I had one of those blow up moments as a parent...


Do you like to help? One of my favorite things in life is to help. I love to help. I love it when others offer to help. St. Catherine...

God Moved Into the Neighborhood

..."He came down from heaven and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man"... When I think of verse 11 of the...

More on Gratitude

Today's Readings Continuing to reflect on gratitude, Jessica reminds us to praise God in our small moments as well as our big moments.

Singing to God in Her Heart

Picture it: Delaware County, Pennsylvania, 1999. A remarkably tall 6th-grader clad in a navy blue plaid jumper and sky blue short-sleeved...

Christ the King

Today's Readings Some Protestants may “vet” the local branch of their church before joining. They go to some services, check out the...

Just men?

…for us men and our salvation… A significant portion of the theology and pastoral actions of Christians revolves around the misogynistic...

Living Gratitude

Today's Readings This week, Jessica reminds us of the importance of prayers of gratitude to God, especially followed by actions of...

Our Way to Joy

Today's Readings It took me a few rounds with the readings today. They just weren’t landing on my heart the way I hope Scripture always...

Made Good

..."through him all things were made"... Reflecting on our next line in the Creed, “through Him all things were made”, it is interesting...

My Abundant Blessings

Today's Readings This week, Jessica reflects on the importance of water in our lives and all of its abundant blessings.

What are the right questions?

Today's Readings I identify an Enneagram 6. Named “the Loyalist”, Enneagram Sixes are known to be fiercely loyal, incredibly hardworking,...

Those Who Have Gone Before Us

Today's Readings “For everything, there is a season and a time for every activity under heaven.” Today we celebrate All Souls day. We...

All Souls Day

Today's Readings This week, Jessica reflects on today's Wisdom reading in light of All Souls Day.

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